Monday, September 17, 2018

How To Remedies With Jewelweed Herb

How to Make Home Made Poison Ivy Remedies With Jewelweed Herb 
Jewelweed Extract
You can make it into a tincture as described above. Although the blend below is more effective. To skip all the trouble of making it you can get the remedies already made at 
Supplies & Ingredients: 
  • quart sized jar 
  • stems, leaves, and flowers of Jewelweed – chopped 
  • alcohol - 80 proof vodka or 60% everclear and 40% water 
  • a few leaves of plantain, chickweed, cleavers, or comfrey – cut up the leaves 
  1. Place the Jewelweed and herbs in the jar, filling it about half full. 
  1. Cover with alcohol – enough to cover the leaves by at least a quarter of an inch. 
  1. Place the cap on the jar, making sure it is tight. Shake well. 
  1. Place in the sun and shake every day. Leave for at least three weeks. 
  1. When it is finished, strain and store the tincture in a cool, dark place. 
Jewelweed Poison Ivy Blend
Then I use the Jewelweed tincture to make this Jewelweed poison ivy solution. 
Supplies & Ingredients: 

  1. Pour the tincture into the pint jar. Add enough distilled water to double the volume. This will give you a 20% alcohol solution. If you find this too drying, you can add more distilled water. 
  1. Add the essential oils and cap tightly. Shake well,
  1. Store any remaining Jewelweed Poison Ivy Solution for up to 4 months or longer in a refrigerator.

Grow or Wild Picking Jewelweed 
Most likely, if you have a moist semi shady area in your yard, you may have Jewelweed growing there. Look in marsh areas, wetlands, along rivers and creeks or damp areas along the roadside. I’ve seen stands up to 8-feet-tall near our home. 
To harvest, I take the top ⅓ of the plant, leaving the rest to continue growing. Never harvest all the Jewelweed in one place, or there won’t be any the next year. Jewelweed is a tropical annual that dies as soon as the frost hits it. It needs to be able to set seed to propagate more. 
If you want to grow it, it is very easy. You can find the seeds in many places, including online. Sow directly in the soil in a moist, shady area. It will germinate quickly and you’ll see two oval, pale green leaves that kind of look like fat kidney beans. These are the first seeds. Your plants will grow quickly and need very little care except watering when young. Or you can get the Jewelweed Herb already dried and ready to use at
Want a natural Jewelweed Poison Ivy Treatment, but don’t want to make it yourself? 
If you don’t have the time or resources to make a poison ivy treatment with jewelweed, you can find a few natural options already made for you: 

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Jewel Weed for Poison Ivy, Oak, Sumac, Bug Bites, and Swimmers Itch


     Jewel Weed Topical Spray contains a synergistic blend of herbal plants to knock out the itch and swelling associated with inflammatory rashes from swimmer's itch, poison ivy, oak, and sumac.  
 Also, it is soothing for bee stings and bug bites.  

     Little children go into shock and scream bloody murder when they get stung by a yellow jacket!  As a vendor at many harvest festivals and farmers markets;  when the apples are for sale the yellow jackets are swarming.  Cool weather and fresh apples drives= the yellow jackets into a frenzy! The sun shining on the fruit, in a child's hand, appears to be a target for bees.  It doesn't take long before a child is stung.  For this reason, we leave a sample bottle of Jewel Weed Topical Spray at the first aid station, and on our table. Word spreads fast that there is an antidote for bee stings and mosquito bites at the fair.  Jewel Weed Topical Spray  has to be applied in many intervals, numerous times, before the child is comforted. I can hear it in their cry and see the expressions they make and know it is working. Sooner than later, in about 10 minutes or so, they lay their head down on the parent's shoulder, sobbing and sniffling.  The parents show their gratitude and look around our booth with curiosity and conversation. Whole plants for whole people, work the majority of the time. 

     Prevention is the best cure. Jewel Weed Topical Spray may be used as a preventative.  Spray on the exposed areas of skin before you approach nature, and spray again, 15 minutes after you have been exposed to skin allergen plants.  I tested this theory on myself, I am highly reactive to poison ivy. There is a bank I had to walk down to get to the bike path, which is covered with poison ivy. With sandals and shorts on I braved it.  To my surprised, it worked.  I have used this regimen for many years now. We make the Jewel Weed Topical Spray 2 oz. bottle,  a practical pocket size to take on  outdoor excursions.  It also neutralizes the oil on your dogs. I sprayed my dogs after our walks so I wouldn't get poison ivy after touching them. It works! 
          What if you get a case of poison ivy, oak, or sumac?  It's more involved. You have to spray Jewel Weed Topical about every 15 minutes to knock it out.  If it’s a bad flare up try making a paste with our Jewel Weed Soap and Topical Spray.  Spray the soap and mix with your finger until you have a paste consistency. Rub on the blisters and inflamed areas, let it dry and keep it on.  Or, shave the Jewel Weed Soap and mix the Topical Spray until it is the consistency of paste; and store in a glass jar. It is ready to use this way. 
Rub the paste over the blisters and let dry. Leave it on. It knocks the itch out and dries up the blisters. As soon as it starts to itch again, rinse off the soap and Jewel Weed Topical and apply fresh. You will be glad you did. Stay on top of this regimen.  
      Stay out of direct sun light while the skin is inflamed from allergen plants.  It takes longer to dry up if the blisters are exposed to sun light. The sun reactivates the condition.  I learned this the hard way. We were fishing up north for a week. I put the soap paste on, above my knees. The blisters disappeared. By the time we got off the boat, 6 hours later, the blisters were back. I reapplied the paste and they disappeared. Out in the sun, they reappeared. This went on the whole week. Finally, I figured it out. My skin suffered from exposing poison ivy to direct sunlight.  The skin above my knees, turned to saggy elephant skin. My skin recovered and tightened up in about 4 months.  
     What did I do for it? I applied Anna's Skin Repair Serum. Then again, this is another subject for a different blog. I will give you the link in case you have this issue though. 

                               Anna's Secret Skin Repairing Serum. 
     Keep in mind, prevention is the best cure. Take Jewel Weed Topical Spray with you on your outings in the country.  Also, stay out of the sun, or keep your skin covered where the inflammation has caused blisters. 
By Anna Sangemino